All our bespoke services can be tailored to suit your personal needs exactly.

Swedish Massage

Swedish massage is one of the most commonly offered massage techniques. It’s sometimes called a classic massage. The technique aims to promote relaxation by releasing muscle tension. Swedish massage is gentler than deep tissue massage and better suited for people interested in relaxation and tension relief. Swedish massage is excellent to loosen up tight muscles caused by daily activities such as sitting at the computer or exercising.

Sports Massage

Sports massage can be very helpful for regular gym goers, weekend warriors and professional athletes.   It is a great way to increase flexibility, keep muscles loose, reduce injuries and improve recovery time. Some sports injuries commonly seen are: Iliotibial Band (Itb) Syndrome, Runners Knee, Jumpers Knee, Piriformis Syndrome, Achilles Tendonitis, Plantar Faciitis, Hamstring Pull, Patella Tendonitis and more. Massage can be helpful in reducing discomfort while aiding in the healing process, in addition to lessening the incidence of these occurrences.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep tissue massage is beneficial for both chronic pain and musculoskeletal injuries. Deeper layers of muscle tissue are treated using deep compression and manipulation techniques to loosen adhesions. Treatment aids in the release of muscular tightness, improving mobility and range of movement. Deep tissue massage strokes also aid in the stimulation of blood and oxygen circulation and lymph drainage. 

Myofascial Release

Myofascial Release also known as trigger point therapy is a type of massage used to treat referred pain syndrome. Trigger points are adhesions within the myofacia that surrounds skeletal muscles. When these adhesions are left untreated they can develop into chronic nodules or trigger points. Trigger points lead to referred pain that is felt anywhere in the affected muscle and can be relieved by treating the trigger point.  Myofascial release is used to locate trigger points to loosen tensions and adhesions in the myofascia providing relief for myofacical pain syndrom.

Postural Analysis

Postural Analysis is an observational assessment that is carried out to examine a person’s static posture and bodily alignment. This assessment can assist with a great many conditions as poor posture is known to contribute to many ailments such as headaches, neck, shoulder, and back pain.

Strength & Conditioning

Strength & conditioning is the targeted manipulation of training variables to improve and maximise specific physical attributes required for athletic competition. We will perform a athletic needs analysis before we implement a besopke personal strength and conditioning package to meet your goals.

Personal Training

Personal training is one of the most popular methods people from all walks of life swear by to get in shape. We will provide you with the most efficient training for weight loss muscle toning or any other fitness goal you may have.

Weight loss training

Weight loss training is a special form of personal training specifically targeting fat loss. Our methods include a special hybrid style of training to accelerate your weight loss goals. This form of training involves a special combination of cardio and muscle toning to maximize calorie burn.

Rehabilitation Training

Rehabilitation training is used for the prevention and rehabilitation of injury. Optimal movement competency through physical litteracy are the basis of all our rehabilitation programs. It is indeed the case that following our rehab programs clients often feel fitter, stronger, and healthier than even before they suffered injuries. We atchieve this by reprogramming dysfunctional movement patterns that  aiding clients to become physically efficient elevating strength and fitness. 

Functional Movement Screening

The FMS is a well-documented assessment of functional movement competency. The FMS involves 7 whole-body movements that are used to determine muscle imbalances and dysfunctions. The FMS is used to highlight specific areas of weakness that can be specially targeted in training to improve movement.


Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the best massage for me?

Swedish massage is the most common type of massage therapy, and what many people think of when they hear the word “massage”. Swedish massage is best for stress relief, relaxation and releasing cramped or tense muscles. 

Deep tissue massage is used to treat tight and knotted muscles and soft-tissues. It is a very specific treatment in which we use knuckles and elbow’s to “strip out” muscle tissue as far down to the bone as possible. 

Sports massage is designed specifically for physically active people. It combines Swedish, deep tissue, and other techniques concentrating on areas that are related to your sport. The benefits and effects of sports massage include physical effects such as circulating blood and lymphatic fluids as well as stretching muscle tissue and breaking down scar tissue. 

Myofascial release is a specialised form of massage that involves the application of firm, sustained, and controlled pressure over painful, taut bands of muscle, called myofascial trigger points, to release tension and facilitate blood flow. If you have an area that is persistently tight with muscular tension and pain this is the treatment for you. 

When should I avoid getting a massage?

There are a few conditions that would prevent you from getting a massage. Do not schedule an appointment if you are feeling unwell, have a fever, cold, or a skin condition that is contagious. The first trimester of pregnancy is generally considered off-limits for massage, as are active chemotherapy or other intensive medical treatments. If you have a serious medical condition we recommend that you speak with your GP first.

How often should I get a massage?

Individual preference varies, so for most it depends on your pain, physical needs, emotional needs, and of course, budget. Receiving a massage regularly has the most benefit; this can be as often as weekly or monthly. With our Essentials Membership, you not only can treat yourself monthly but also enjoy other perks and benefits within the spa.

What are the benefits of massage therapy?

It is well recognised that adding regular massage therapy to your health and wellness strategy. Massage therapy from a licensed practitioner can: Lower stress, Increased Immune Function, Boost Mental Health and Wellness, Pain Management and Improved Range of Motion, Improved Physical Fitness.

Is massage painful?

In general, massages should not hurt. In fact, if you are in pain during a massage, this may cause your muscles to seize up, making the relaxing effects more difficult to achieve. If the pressure is too intense, speak up immediately so your therapist can adjust.  Certain techniques may result in soreness during the days following a massage, similar to that of a great workout, but in general, you should not have pain during or after your massage.

When do I need a Personal Trainer? 

When you are overweight, when you are underweight, when you are unfit, when you want to get fitter, when you have just had a baby, when you are in training, when you are bored with training, when the kids have left home, when the jeans don't fit, when you are too busy to keep fit, when you are going skiing, when Christmas has happened, when summer is about to happen, when aerobics has got boring, when you can't avoid the mirror, when you always avoid the scales, when you want to

How often should I train?

Three times each week should be sufficient for you to start feeling and seeing results. Although, like anything, you will get more out of it if you put more in. Whether you work out with your Trainer every time is up to you, and how motivated you are, how often you can afford to train, what you schedule is like every week.

đź“ž07377453423      đź“Ś Hard Fitness, Limpsfield Rd Hamsey Green     đź“§ info@barakatraining.co.uk

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